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In this article we’re going to talk about two very important tips that can help make your website searchable to help people find it easily.

We’re going to talk about page titles and headings!

First, let’s talk about what a page title is. It’s like the name of a book that tells you what the book is about.

The page title is the name of the webpage and tells people what the page is about. It’s very important to use descriptive words and keywords that will help people understand what your page is all about.

Now let’s talk about headings. Headings are like chapters in a book. They tell you what each section of the book is about.

On a website, headings help people find the information they need quickly and easily. Just like with page titles, it’s important to use descriptive words and keywords in your headings so people know what each section is about.

So how do we use these tips on a Showit website design?

Well, it’s actually pretty easy! When you’re creating a new page, make sure you give it a descriptive title that tells people what the page is about. Then, when you add headings to the page, make sure they also use descriptive words and keywords.

For example, if you’re creating a page about your coaching services, you might give it the title “Become a more effective leader, thrive in hard times”.

Then, you might use headings like “Coaching services”, “Personal development” or “Life coaching”. These headings will help people find the information they need quickly and easily.

Remember, using descriptive, keyword-rich page titles and headings is an important SEO tip that can help make your website super cool and easy to find. Just remember to use words that describe what your page is about and you’ll be on your way to having a great website!

Boost SEO with Page Titles & Headings


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